What types of writing activities would you make the best use of technology in your classrooms?
Powerpoint, research papers, and excel. Powerpoint is probably the most popular popular utility used in any classroom across the nation. With that being said I would make sure that this is probably the first thing they know how to use. Typing a research paper to some, is the hardest task in life, but with early exposure the student can become more experienced with it. Excel can also be difficult at times if you have not used it before. So one of my goals would be to teach the student how to successfully use it, so when they do go to college the will be able to do it flawlessly.
We are creating PowerPoint this week, how would you Not let PowerPoint presentation distract your audience? Do you think you can follow the potential pitfalls from the textbook?
I would probably not make it to fancy. In powerpoint you have the ability to make presentations that are beyond creative. You can add sound, video and what ever else you want. When we create ours it will be straight to the point and not have every animation known to mankind on it.
In conclusion, when it comes to technology in the classroom, it is very important to expose your students at an early age. Microsoft word, excel and powerpoint are some very important programs that are used and should be taught to a student before entering college. Exposer and repetition are the keys to sucess.